Proactive medical health checks

A modern approach to living a vital life through insights and prevention

Proactive preventive approach to your health

Everyone wants to live a long healthy life, but how can you be sure you're on the right track? Wassenaar Health Check offers medical health checks that give you the insight you need to live a long and vital life.

Our health check enables you to get a better insight into your health and can allow for early detection and treatment of health issues, which can improve potential outcomes of treatment.

Whether you are a health freak, have plans to get back on track or you just want to have an in-depth health check with a medical expert: our health check  offers you all the insights you need.

Our health check in 9 steps


Right after you schedule your health check you will receive a questionnaire with questions about your medical history and lifestyle to assess your personal risk factors.


During your intake we'll explain the process and discuss the answers shared in the questionnaire. We have plenty of time to discuss all your concerns.

Basic measurements

For starters, your basic measurements will be done, like your weight, length and blood pressure.


During the consultation, we will dive deeper into your medical history and any existing health issues to get an overall picture of your personal risk factors.

Physical exam

During our physical exam we examine important functions of your body like your heart, lungs and stomach for any anomalies, followed by a number of neurological tests.

Blood panel

Based on your medical history, the consultation with your doctor and any of the add-ons you have selected, we will have your blood examined in a certified lab.

ElectroCardioGram (ECG)

With the ECG, we'll measure the electrical activity in your heart. A cardiologist is consulted to look for abnormalities that may indicate cardiac arrhythmia or reduced blood supply to the heart.

Urine test

Our lab will examine your urine sample and look for signs of urinary tract infections and kidney diseases. In addition, your glucose levels are tested to help detect diabetes.

Download your report

Within 7 days after your health check we will send your personal health report containing the results from the lab, findings of your doctor and suggestions to help improve your vitality.

Phone consultation

After receiving your personal health report, we will go through all the important details and outcomes during our phone consultation and make sure you get the answers to all of the questions you may still have.

We're looking forward to helping you!

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Health Check


Our health check supports you to get to know more about the current state of your health. Whether you feel healthy or have the feeling your health could be improved, this preventive health check will provide you with a personal insight in your health allowing you to make necessary adjustments.


Medical physical examination

Urine and blood examination

Thorough blood panel, with an overview of your body’s most vital functions

Cardiovascular screening and ECG in co-operation with a cardiologist

Personal Health Report and Results

Phone consultation to discuss your results

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Pre-employ check


Below you'll find all the tests we perform. If necessary, additional tests can be added. Please reach out to us if additional tests have to be done.

Blood pressure measurement

Blood test (Blood count and Diff, Creatinine, Glycemia, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Sedimentation rate, Y-GT)

Urinanalysis (Sugar, Protein)

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What our patients say

Edoardo Giana

“I have visited the Wassenaar Health center for a pre-employ health check. I received the results of my analysis and their assessment timely before my need date.”

Michael Tovar

"I found the team to be very knowledgeable and thorough. The overall experience felt like a true partnership, both in the assessment and in the discussion of the action plan following the results."

Stas Fomin

“Professional and friendly staff. Very personal approach and consultation. The outcome results and recommendations exceeded my expectations. Highly recommend!”


Hofcampweg 65
2241 KE Wassenaar

+31 712 032 417

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